This page is to celebrate the success stories from other enlisted service members. Success is defined differently by each one of us. These folks wanted better for themselves and took action! They’re saving, investing, and growing as people. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them as much as I did!
This is the very first Enlisted Money Success Story, and we know you’ll be very interested to hear this story! There are many ways to use your military service to set yourself up for the future, the Marine Content Creator is an exceptional example. I actually ran across him on Instagram and reached out to see if I could share his awesome story.
I commend this service member for following their heart (eventually) and prioritizing their enjoyment in life. We can often feel stuck trying to “gut it out” to retirement. Ever wonder why there’s so many angry, senior leaders running around? This service member understood exactly why.
I really wish I’d had the forethought and courage (and cash) to do what this enlisted service member did. I’ll let you read their story though. Here it is!
There were so many parallels between this Sailor’s story and mine. From getting into debt to finding a passion for helping others. It’s a great story which highlights what you can do in a relatively short period of time. They’re now on a path to building wealth in a healthy way.
I hope you enjoy this story as mush as I did. There are a ton of helpful nuggets sprinkled throughout their story. Check it out!
This is an amazing story! I promise I didn’t pay them anything for the very kind endorsements. I’m just honored to get to be a part of their amazing story. Starting out as a newly married couple on an enlisted paycheck was rough, but this couple could pull it all together and save a massive amount of money.
These savers were truly able to “punch above their pay grade!” Here’s an enlisted success story of “Frugality, Flooring, and Freedom.”
All I can say is wow, and great job! I can’t imagine what that feels like to have a huge chunk of credit card debt just dumped in your lap at the last minute before your divorce was finalized.
If you haven’t read the Enlisted Money Confession #1: The Dairy Land Divorcee, I highly recommend you do so before reading this article. Regardless, you’ll notice that this is no longer a cautionary tale but a success story worth shouting about!
Getting started is the most important part of your personal finance journey! Not all paths are a straight line either. From getting a slow start to becoming extreme savers and then finding a healthy balance, you’ll find plenty of helpful nuggets of wisdom in this Airman’s story.
I hope you enjoy this Enlisted Money Success story!